S2 – Week #3 – Function Points

Hey There,

For a while, we have had some difficulties getting our Use-Case definitions straight. Because we are developing a first-person game, we found the term “Use-Case” not all that fitting, because there are no real ways you “use” a game compared to how you would interact with an application.

We have also invested a lot of time into the implementation the cube firmare and the wireless communication between the it and the Unity game instance. All of this is “backend” work though that can’t really be defined within a traditional use-case.

Because of that we have made the decision to expand the definition of a “use-case” to fit our project better.
This means we assigned a use-case definition to every major behavior script that is responsible for an important task within the project.

According to these changes, we have updated our overall use-case diagram. In it’s current revision it now looks like this:

This change was necessary to calculate the function point estimation for this project.

Function Points

We have calculated the function points using the FP Calculator at this link.

Filling in all the details and composing them into one sheet we got the following result:

If the embed doesn’t work for you, here’s a link to the document.

As you can see, the estimated time for the upcoming use-cases is calculated using the formula 0,609*x+5,7.

This formula is generated by plotting all already completed use-cases on a graph and calculating the trend line.

That wraps it up for this week, until the next one!

Simon & Manu

2 thoughts on “S2 – Week #3 – Function Points

  1. Hello GyroGame,
    Your block post is very well written and the explanation why it is difficult for you to define your uscases is somehow relatable. But I think it would be good if you could described a little more what the function points say and how they are calculated.
    It could be helpful for future people looking at it, or if you touch it yourself in the Futurer, you will remember how it works faster.

    Yours sincerely,
    Mr. CardGame

  2. Hell Gyro game,
    we have a nother problem with your diagram our prof told us that u should put the estimated time, you will spend on your usecases for semester 2 on the estimated line u got from semester 1. Pleas Correkt this.

    Mr CardGame

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