S2 – Week #5 – Refactoring

Hey There,

Today’s blog entry is all about refactoring of code.
However, our task was not directly related to our project’s code as we were given a repository for a project for which we’re were tasked to do some refactoring on.

We have named our commits according to this refactoring catalog and tried to make our refactoring steps as clear as possible.

Here are the links to the git repositories for each team member:

Manuel’s Github Repository

Simon’s Github Repository

That about wraps it for this week, see ya!

Simon & Manu

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3 thoughts on “S2 – Week #5 – Refactoring

  1. Hey guys,

    the refactored code looks great, good job. It would be great to hear about some tools or methods you used for refactoring, like the renaming feature inside your IDE that we used for our work.
    Also, we need some help with our testing (we found a way to do so), so could you please check out our latest blogpost and test our game? That would be great.
    See you next week (well, not actually see in person, but you get the idea).

    Stay classy,
    Ted’s Team

  2. Hey GyroGame,
    Your Blockpost looks really clean and I like the fact, that you added a reference to how you work.
    You’re repos also look good and you seem to have put in the work.
    good job!


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