Hey There,
This weeks post is dedicated to all the things that could go wrong in this project.
We have compiled a list of all the risks we could think of and rated the probability and severity of each one of them.
The higher the “risk factor”, the more aware we need to be about the associated risk.
If the embedded table doesn’t look right on your screen, here’s a link to the document.
The biggest risks we face are:
- We need to focus on the important tasks to get a playable version of the game up and running and we must not get carried away by the little things or the visuals.
- A potentially unfixable firmware bug in our controller that would make it impossible to build a enjoyable playing experience.
Of course we are trying to stop those risks from affecting our project.
That is why we are enforcing our defined measures against them.
Thats about it for this week, until the next one!
Simon & Manu
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according to your risk mitigation you guys schedule regular backups, but is it just a file backup on the same server / within the same cluster?
Had some bad experiences in past due to backup instance being located within the same cluster so during outage still I wasn’t able to access my data.
Wish you the best,
Philipp @Keycloud
Because we are using git, all of our project code is present on at least three instances at all time :
GitHub and each of the team members workstations.
Codewise, there is nothing else to backup than this, so I think we are safe. We don’t deploy our application anywhere, because it is a client-only game, so we don’t need to take care of backups there.
Thanks for your comment though, it’s definitely a good idea to double check a backup procedure!
Hey Simon and Manuel,
your risk mangament looks really good. I like the way you color-coded your table to make it readable with just one blink. All the risks you mentioned make perfect sense to me and are, just like your meassures against them, well described.
What I’m missing is the table of your Use Cases with the time you have spent on each of your Use Cases.
This table is pretty important for our next lecture, so you might want to take a look at it:
Apart from the missing Use Case table, your blogpost fulfills the grading criteria and is structured.
Keep it up!
Janis @TrackYourFit