S2 – Week #1 – *flipping back into existence*

Hey There,

Well well, look who’s back at working on the GyroGame project, now that our three month “break” is over.

We are currently reworking the hardware of our game controller, the “GyroCube” to eliminate some issues we have run into in the last semester.

Namely we are changing the serial interface between the microcontroller and the Bluetooth module to use a hardware implementaion rather than using a library that emulates a serial port via software. This change is necessary to avoid transmission errors we were experiencing in the connection between the computer and the cube.

Our tests after the initial implementation of this change suggest that the issue is indeed fixed now! Hooray! 🥳

We are also thinking about exchanging the 6DoF (degrees of freedom) motion sensor for a 9DoF module to get more accurate rotation data and to save us a lot of time trying to get this rotation oriented the way we need it in the level.

Our project scope for this semester is currently being defined as we are trying to define reasonably “Use-Cases” for the game.

We have also updated the project Unity version to 2019.3.10f1 to make use of Unity’s newest features.

That’s about it for this week, stay tuned for more posts!

Simon & Manu